Foot & Ankle Rehabilitation Australia’s Physiotherapists are experts in rehabilitation of the foot, ankle and lower limb. Often these injuries affect other areas of the body. Integrating your injury management and rehabilitation with any previous injury problems is critical in the recovery pathway. Experience counts. Our practitioners expertise comes from exposure to the unique caseload of 100% Foot & Ankle cases in our clinic. We are the only practice of this type in Australia. You can rest assured that your physiotherapist will have seen and rehabilitated even the most unusual foot and ankle presentations many times.
When treating foot or ankle injuries or assisting with recovery from surgery, we take into account individual lifestyle factors and each person’s key motivators for getting back in shape. For some that’s walking comfortably around a weekend market, and for others it’s competing in a marathon. Tailoring each patient’s rehab ensures our patients reach the best of their ability. We also get the toughest cases, sometimes after multiple surgeries, and often when many other practitioners have told our patient “there’s nothing else they can do.” There are many cases that we help that have been put in the “too hard basket.”
Our podiatrists look to assess the whole lower limb and it’s movement patterns via static and dynamic assessments combined with video gait and pressure analysis to formulate a detailed report and treatment plan to achieve your goals and help continue to do the things you enjoy.

We have extensive knowledge of treatment for:
- Foot or Ankle Pain
- Calf or Shin Pain
- Heel and/or Plantar Fascia Pain
- Ankle Instability
- Tendon Pathology